Saturday, August 17, 2013

"So you need to talk to me more"

So, my mom wonders why I don't talk to her. Well, here's a perfect example why I don't like talking to you.
An example of chainmail

You recently complained (more like bitched) about me not talking to you. As a people-pleaser, I'm now putting an effort to talk to make you happy. I just spent three hours working on my chainmail shirt, and I figured to talk to you about it since I'm really excited and passionate about it.

What do you do? you frown, look worried, and give vibes of discomfort. You tell me how I should make my shirt when those suggestions are impractical for the chainmail function and requirements. As I try to explain it to you, you go on a bunch of tangents, ask me multiple questions, and interrupts me with ignorant comments and suggestions that WOULD have been prevented IF I finished talking.

When I say "no" to your suggestions, you appear offended. You tell me I should look "feminine" with my armor, but that won't work. You think I'm sword fighting to find a boyfriend/husband, but that is NOT true. Nearly all the people in the club are older than me by at least 10 years, and I DON'T want to date any of them.

You freak out about me needing armor. I don't want to tell you that yes, the people will hit hard, and yes, I have a chance of bruising (like an entire black thigh). But that's WHY I'm putting a lot of effort in good armor. I worry that if I tell you, you'll tell me to stop.

And the worst thing: you're ALWAYS psycho-analyzing EVERYONE. Including me. You're trying to find meaning to EVERYTHING people do, and you form generalizations and conclusions that infuriate me. Especially that you basically called my a lesbian, bisexual, transvestite, or transgender because of my sport. Just. No. Quit being a homophobe. I am a straight girl, and just because I do masculine activities does not make me otherwise.

So, I thank you in making me feel like crap in the 15 minutes we conversed. It was a LOVELY conversation. Can't wait to starve myself to death.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Back from Vacation

I went to visit family in Switzerland, and I fell in love with the country. It's so beautiful with the mountains, lakes, and architecture, oh, did I forget to mention the abundance of hot guys?

The food was delicious, and I could tell that the Europeans take much more pride in their culinary arts than the Americans. Everything I ate even felt "cleaner" to me, but I'm not sure if it's due to the lack of additives and preservatives, or if I developed a bias towards European food.

The unfortunate thing is that I ended up gaining weight on the trip (big, sarcastic gasp!). It's only two pounds, but that put me back on my plateau weight that I worked heard to break through. All well. Two weeks in Europe is worth two pounds. (I'd draw the line at six pounds, and I feel pathetic about that).

And now my big concern is the next year of college. I move in on the 29th, meaning I have 17 days (including today) to drop as much weight as I can. I dream of dropping 6lbs by then, but that seems unrealistic for me.

Food plan: Avoid all sweets and simple carbs for the next two weeks and exercise as much as I can. If I have two weeks to kick my ass into shape, NOW is the time.