My family follows Christian traditions. This includes Lent, which is a 40 day long time of self-denial and religious thought that takes place between Ash Wednesday and Easter. It's to commemorate the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert and how he was crucified and resurrected. Usually, followers today refrain from things like chocolate, meat, alcohol, or desserts, or they limit pleasurable activities like gaming, television, or internet. During the middle ages, people would follow vegan lifestyle, but the rules to the fasting slackened as time progressed.
I've felt the euphoria that comes from fasting before, and can see the association between spirituality and fasting. The hunger causes the senses to become more keen, and it makes the world feel all the more beautiful. Fasting, however, isn't easy since minutes pass as slow as hours. And a successful first few days are extremely tough as the body is switching to ketosis.
For Lent, I created several restrictions with varying degrees of difficulties. I wish I was strong enough to follow them all, but I discovered I still lack the self-discipline to follow them all. I list them in easiest to hardest:
*To go without eating mammal flesh
*To go without sugar--Chocolates, cookies, pastries, cakes, chips, desserts, cereals
*To go without any animal flesh
*To go binge-free for 40 days
*To fast from all foods 24 hours straight, once per week.
Messed up already on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th goals, and I missed a great opportunity for a 24 hour fast, but there's still Saturday. I don't think I'll be able to pass a fast on Saturday with my mom, but I should aspire for it as long as possible. Trying to go the remaining days is my goal now.
As for behaviors, I compulsively weigh myself. I plan to go the whole time without weighing myself. This will most likely drive me insane, but it will probably be a step forwards to overall sanity.
I hope for the best of luck to those also participating in Lent!